Current levies

B+LNZ is funded and directed by farmers via commodity levies paid on all sheep, beef and dairy cattle processed in New Zealand.

image of couple working in cattle yards

We invest your levies in programmes designed to support a confident sector with improved farm productivity, profitability and performance.

Your levy goes on targeted programmes that deliver real results – on the farm, in the market, and at the policy table.

A key part of our strategic plan involves building a stronger presence in the regions to help us stay connected with farmers. That way we can ensure we're providing tools, services and information that are relevant to you and add value to your farming business.

We are focused on continuing to find more effective and efficient ways of delivering benefits to you and safeguarding the future of our industry.

Levies 2021–22

As part of the 2021 levy referendum, an increase to the sheepmeat levy was proposed (from 70 cents per head to 75 cents per head). Following the conclusion of the consultation, B+LNZ’s Board decided to proceed with the sheepmeat levy increase which takes effect 1 October 2021. This was based on the following consultation result:

  • 68.3 percent of farmers voted yes on a one farmer one vote basis, and
  • 70.4 percent voted yes on a weighted stock unit basis. 

The beef levy remains unchanged at $5.20 per head. 

A copy of the 2021–22 Gazette notice is available here

Levies 2019–20 and 2020–21

The rates of sheepmeat and beef levies remain unchanged for the levy years commencing 1 October 2019 and 1 October 2020 (70 cents per head for sheepmeat and $5.20 per head for beef).