B+LNZ supports sheep and beef farmers to protect and enhance New Zealand's unique indigenous biodiversity. Farmers are passionate kaitiaki or guardians of the land, and B+LNZ's advocates for policies that enable farmers to protect and restore on-farm biodiversity within their farming systems.

New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy
The Department of Conservation (DOC) is leading the development of a new biodiversity strategy. A consultation on the proposed strategy closed 22 September 2019.

Draft NPS for Indigenous Biodiversity
Protecting New Zealand's iconic flora and fauna is integral to the future of farming and the Government is consulting on how it can protect New Zealand's native biosecurity.

Native Vegetation on Sheep and Beef Farms Summary Report
A report from the University of Canterbury has revealed that 24 per cent of New Zealand’s native vegetation (approximately 2.8 million hectares) is estimated to be on sheep and beef farms. This is the largest amount of native vegetation present outside of public conservation land.