Every six years, farmers vote on whether they want B+LNZ to continue to exist, funded by compulsory levies on sheepmeat and beef (including dairy-beef).

Referendums are held as required under the Commodity Levies Act 1990.
The next referendum must be held no later than the 2027 year with the current Commodities Levies Meat Order 2021 expiring in December 2027.
All livestock farmers on B+LNZ’s electoral roll will be provided with information:
- outlining the constitutional information, and
- how farmers' levies will be invested over the next six-year period,
- and asked to vote 'yes' or 'no' to the continuation of B+LNZ.
In the past, farmers have also been asked to vote on specific questions about proposed levy increases.
To be eligible to vote you need to own sheep or cattle in New Zealand as at 30 June prior to the referendum vote and B+LNZ will be running campaigns to ensure livestock owners are aware of the referendum vote.
Already registered?
If you receive voting packs for B+LNZ annual meetings you’re already on the electoral roll.
If you want to check you're on the electoral roll, or if you have any questions about registering, call us on 0800 BEEFLAMB (0800 233 352) between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
How to register
You can:
- call us on the above number, or
- create/login to a B+LNZ online account, go to ‘Account settings’ and select the register box (you’ll then be asked to provide some basic information further down the page).