B+LNZ Wairoa Farming for Profit Field Day: Front Footing Change and Adapting Farm Systems for a Profitable and Resilient Future

Event category
Field day
image of hill country with sheep on it.

The B+LNZ Farming for Profit programme is offering an opportunity for you to join us and witness how top farmers are building resilient businesses and tackling the challenges facing our region.

Join us to see how Wai station run their bull system and how they are consistently lambing over 150%, finishing all lambs and maintaining worm control.

The field day will also cover the farm's performance, future goals and strategies for addressing production challenges. 

 The day will involve a farm tour of the Wai Station property and discussion.

Powered by the B+LNZ Farmer Council and Kahui.


  • Beef system, fit, market, and profit.
  • Sheep performance, flock mating structure, selection and cull policy, and genetics.
  • Finishing lambs, growing hoggets, integrated grazing, worm monitoring and control.

Farm tour

 ATV or buggy required. Helmets are a necessity please.


Register below. Please bring  your own lunch.