We’ve worked with key industry partners to develop a website containing proven facts about New Zealand’s farming methods and how our beef and lamb stacks up on key criteria.

There’s growing public concern about how food is produced, and the environmental impact of red meat has been highlighted in a number of international reports. However, the international research doesn’t reflect New Zealand’s different and more sustainable farming methods.
We realised we needed one place that people who want more information can go to learn more about the New Zealand context.
Along with our colleagues at Beef + Lamb New Zealand Inc (our domestic marketing arm) and the Meat Industry Association, we developed the Making Meat Better website to cut through the misinformation and debunk the myths about red meat.
The ‘Making Meat Better’ name makes a statement that the way we produce beef and lamb in New Zealand is already better, but also reflects the fact we’re committed to further improving and innovating.
At makingmeatbetter.nz you can find a range of facts showing how New Zealand beef and lamb stacks up in terms of being:
- better for animals
- better for you
- better for the planet
- better for communities.
We encourage you to check it out and help us bring some balance to conversations about food production.
Visit the Making Meat Better website