Apply now for AWDT’s Generation Change

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The Agri-Women’s Development Trust (AWDT) are running ‘Generation Change’, a one-day workshop and mentoring programme preparing young women to make an impact in food and fibre.

Banner for AWDT Gen Change programme

The workshop is taking place on 2 August in Palmerston North. 

As proud strategic partners of AWDT, Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) encourages young women currently in tertiary study or training to sign-up for ‘Generation Change’.

John Ladley, B+LNZ’s General Manager South Island says, “It is programme like Generation Change that will ensure our sector’s future is filled with passionate and talented women.” 

At this one-day event, young women with agri-food ambitions will answer the questions that matter for a meaningful future in the sector. You will also get connected with a progressive food and fibre leader as a mentor. 


Hear from past participants

“The most worthwhile thing I have ever done to inform my future.” 

“Inspiring, makes me proud to be a woman in the agricultural industry.” 

“A great reminder to follow my passions, be authentic, try new things, be open to opportunities and to create and keep working on a career plan. Fantastic!” 

More about the programme

What do you stand for? What does impact mean to you? What’s step one? By connecting with your values, strengths and purpose, you’ll walk forward with the first draft of a career roadmap.

‘Generation Change’ connects young women with progressive New Zealanders across the food and fibre sector to cultivate their sense of purpose and ability to make an impact. It starts with a one-day workshop for across five sessions:

  1. Reflecting on you – connecting with your strengths and values.
  2. Defining what positive impact means to you.
  3. Planning your first steps towards a life of meaningful work.
  4. Stories to inspire - personal primary sector journeys and a glimpse into the future of work.
  5. Gathering allies - connecting with your mentor and networking with progressive people across the sector – from farmers to food system builders, product developers, marketers and more.

On the journey to positive impact in the food & fibre sector, Generation Change is your first step.

More about AWDT

The Agri-Women’s Development Trust empowers women to accelerate progress and change in New Zealand’s primary sector and rural communities, from the farm to the boardroom.

With support from industry partners, AWDT researches, designs and delivers programmes and events that equip women and some men with the mindsets, skillsets and connections to lead positive change in their farming businesses, communities and organisations.

AWDT takes a wide and inclusive approach to development with participants coming from across the primary industries including dairy, red meat, horticulture, arable, wool, wine and honey – across the value chain.

Beginning with 11 participants in 2010, the trust now sees almost 1,000 people per year participate in its programmes, which range in duration from a few hours to ten months.

Graduates are increasing their own farm sustainability, productivity and profitability and leading regional initiatives with positive economic and environmental impacts. Others are sitting at the decision-making table in governance roles and leading within industry organisations, companies, Māori agribusiness and rural communities.

Programmes are delivered by a team of expert facilitators – farmers, rural professionals, psychologists and coaches – who deeply understand the primary sector and the world farmers and growers live and do business in.

B+LNZ is proud to partner with AWDT amongst other industry organisations.