Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) is calling for nominations for director roles in the Western North Island and Central South Island electoral districts.

Written remits for the 2025 Annual Meeting, and nominations to fill one vacancy on the Directors Independent Remuneration Committee (DIRC), are also being accepted.
Under the requirements of B+LNZ’s Constitution, current directors Scott Gower (Western North Island) and Nicky Hyslop (Central South Island) must retire by rotation at the 2025 Annual Meeting. Both have indicated they will stand for re-election.
Director elections are an important part of ensuring the B+LNZ Board represents the interests of farmers.
Farmer-elected directors provide grassroots perspectives in B+LNZ decision-making, and farmers keen to apply their knowledge and experience are encouraged to put themselves forward.
The successful candidates for these positions will also be appointed to the Board of Directors for the New Zealand Meat Board (NZMB).
Additionally, nominations are sought for a position on the DIRC, which performs the important function of providing farmers with an independent recommendation during the Annual Meeting voting process on directors’ fees for the B+LNZ and NZMB Boards.
The DIRC provides independent consideration of market information, director time commitments required and a range of other factors.
All nominations and written remits must be made on official forms and received by the Returning Officer (nominations) or B+LNZ (remits) by 5pm on Friday 6 December 2024. Confirmation of elections (if required) and the date of the Annual Meeting and voting timelines will be advised soon after that date.
Where to access forms and information
Nomination forms and information regarding the elections are available:
- at
- by emailing
- or phoning 0800 666 032.
Remit information, including the remits policy and guidelines, and the remit form, are available from B+LNZ:
- at
- by emailing
- or phoning 0800 233 352.
To be eligible to vote in the B+LNZ director elections and for annual meeting resolutions and remits (if any) a livestock farmer must, on 30 June 2024, have owned at least 250 sheep, or 50 beef cattle, or 100 dairy cattle and be on the B+LNZ electoral roll. Voters must farm within the respective electorate to be eligible to vote for the Board of Directors.
Farmers who have previously received voting papers are on the electoral roll and do not need to re-register. To check if you are on the electoral roll contact B+LNZ on 0800 233 352.
The electoral roll will close for those who wish to vote at 5pm on Friday 17 January 2025.
The date of election day (when voting for all elections, company resolutions and remits closes) and all associated timelines will be confirmed in December.
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