Catch the Rain’ is a 2.5 year project that aims to practically and profitably improve rainfall capture and retention in pastoral soils. The project is led by Quorum Sense, supported by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research and funded by Beef + Lamb New Zealand.

We are looking for interested farmers in Otago/Southland, Canterbury, Wairarapa, Manawatu and Central/Southern Hawkes Bay. Please register your interest below by 30 July 2023.
‘Catch the Rain’ is an opportunity for farmers with an interest in increasing farm system resilience and rainfall capture to:
- Be part of a farmer-led research project that is hands on and tailored to your farm/local area.
- Connect with other farmers and scientists to share knowledge and ideas.
- Grow your knowledge of soil health and soil monitoring skills.
Identify and test practice changes that could practically and profitably improve rainfall capture, retention and the resilience of your farm to weather extremes.
- 30 July 2023 – registration of interest closes.
- July/August 2023 – short interviews with selected farmers and scientists.
- September/October 2023 – compulsory workshop to co-design on-farm trials with other local farmers.
- 30 November 2023 – on-farm trial plans complete.
- November 2023 - April 2025 – trials implemented and monitored with support from research team.
Minimum time commitments are estimated to be 2 days in 2023 (workshop plus setting up trials) and then 1–2 days of monitoring per year over two years.
Register your interest by emailing
Find out more
Read more about the ‘Catch the Rain’ farmer-led research project on the Quorum Sense website.