New Zealand’s primary sector is being called upon to help shape the future of the country’s industry by sharing views and insights about the availability and use of genetic tools.

The Informing New Zealand Beef (INZB) programme has launched its fourth annual industry survey aimed at farmers, beef breeders and rural professionals, including agricultural consultants and facilitators, stock agents and vets.
The survey closes on Monday, December 9, 5pm.
INZB programme lead Dr Gemma Jenkins said findings from the previous surveys had already been incorporated into programme activities.
The seven-year programme aims to boost the sector’s profits by $460m over the next 25 years. It is developing a beef genetic evaluation system that includes traits that are important to New Zealand beef farmers, supporting a sustainable beef farming industry.
This includes creating easy-to-use tools that enable data to be efficiently collected, managed, analysed and used by farmers to make profitable decisions for their operation.
“The results of the surveys are very important to the programme because they directly inform the activities and development of resources,” says Dr Jenkins.
“We really encourage farmers and others involved in the sector to complete this year’s survey, even if they have already taken part in previous years. This enables us to measure changes in views and the uptake of genetic tools over time.
Previous surveys have identified important themes such as the need to address knowledge gaps, including a need to increase understanding of Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) to drive farmer uptake.
“The INZB programme has responded to that survey feedback with educational resources and events to enhance understanding and use of EBVs. That has included field days, Better Beef Breeding Workshops and webinars.”
The survey has also identified increased awareness of genetic tools in the industry, highlighting the importance of initiatives like the across-breed Beef Progeny Test, and profiled the increased adoption of artificial insemination (AI).
The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Answers will remain anonymous and completed surveys will go into a draw to win a $100 Prezzy card and meat pack of premium beef and lamb cuts, valued at $260.
INZB is a Sustainable Food & Fibre Futures partnership supported by Beef + Lamb New Zealand, the New Zealand Meat Board and the Ministry for Primary Industries.
To participate in the survey, go to
For more information, please contact:
Sam Halstead
027 474 6065