B+LNZ and Deer Industry New Zealand (DINZ) have made a joint submission on the future of work-based learning in response to the Government’s vocational education reforms. The submission is aimed to help to ensure the needs of sheep, beef, and deer farmers are considered as the system is redesigned.

The consultation, which closed on 21 February, sought industry input on two proposed models for work-based learning – read about the two options here (PDF, 865 KB).
B+LNZ and DINZ has questions about both options and outlined key areas requiring further clarification, including ensuring training accessibility, securing sustainable funding, and maintaining strong pastoral care tailored to primary industries.
In developing this submission, B+LNZ and DINZ actively engaged with businesses, farm owners and managers working in the sheep, beef and deer sector to understand their needs when it comes to work-based on-farm training.
Olivia Weatherburn, B+LNZ’s National Programme Manager says, “We received a clear message from farmers through this engagement – work-based learning is essential for the sector.”
Changes to the vocational education system will have a significant impact on training and career pathways for our farmers.
See our previous story for more information on what was proposed and further background.
Key concerns and recommendations
In the joint submission, B+LNZ and DINZ emphasised that any new system must support farmers in all regions with dedicated funding and learner support structures that reflect the unique needs of the primary sector.
After careful consideration, B+LNZ and DINZ believe that the independent model outlined by the Government may best meet the needs of sheep, beef, and deer farmers but have called for more clarity and still have some concerns around proposed transitions, establishment assistance and delivery.
Our submission highlighted the need for:
- more clarity and assurance around the fragmentation risks (risk of services, support, and training becoming scattered, disjointed, and difficult to access) associated with the transition into either model
- a strong partnership between industry and government in operating the entity chosen
- the prioritisation of professional development to provide clear career progression and pathways within the sector beyond apprenticeships and new entrants
- a funding and value proposition ensuring training isaffordable and accessible – data shows that farm businesses with trained workers have higher production output and profitability
- industry leadership and representation wherefarmers gain equal representation in decision-making, with clarity on how training will be delivered
- support for employers and recognition of them as trainers with appropriate incentives.
“It is crucial that we get this right, especially if we are going to contribute to meeting the Government’s doubling of exports objective,” says Weatherburn.
Collaboration across the sector
B+LNZ and DINZ collaborated with Federated Farmers, cadet farms, private training entities, members of the Food and Fibre Capability Leadership Group, DairyNZ, Seafood NZ, Horticulture NZ, Forestry ICAs, NZ Winegrowers, Māori Agribusiness, Meat Industry Association, NZ Pork, Muka Tangata, Food and Fibre CoVE, Ministry for Primary Industries, and Industry Training Organisations to develop a well-rounded submission.
John Ladley, DINZ Industry Capability Manager says, “There is a high degree of alignment across the agricultural sector in our views, and we have continued to work closely with stakeholders across the wider food and fibre sector as we have prepared this submission.”
B+LNZ and DINZ also engaged with a number of ministers, including the Minister for Vocational Education Penny Simmonds, and the Tertiary Education Commission, to ensure the sector’s perspectives were clearly communicated.
Next steps
The Government is expected to make final decisions on the work-based learning model mid-year, including the design of the training system, the role of Industry Skills Boards, and funding structures.
Read the full submission here (PDF, 549 KB)
B+LNZ and DINZ thank all farmers who contributed their insights and remains committed to advocating for a vocational education system that works for the sector.
B+LNZ and DINZ will keep farmers updated on any new developments.
This work is part of B+LNZ’s People and Capability workstream, that invests in and supports growing and retaining people in New Zealand’s sheep and beef sector.