Information on the Government’s ETS consultations

// Climate change

The following email was sent to farmers on 6 July 2023.

trees on farm

The Government is consulting on changes to the ETS and has recently released two sets of consultation materials:

This email provides an outline of some of the key considerations, a link to a factsheet with a high-level summary (PDF, 1.9MB) of the key elements of the consultation of importance to farmers, and a survey so that we can get farmer input to develop our response to the consultation. We are also working with other industry groups on this consultation.

What you need to know

  • The Government has proposed some changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme. These could help address the amount of whole farms being sold for exotic forestry planting as a result of the increasing carbon price.
  • These changes are a win after repeated calls for action by many including ourselves, 50 Shades of Green, Federated Farmers, eNGOs and the Climate Change Commission.
  • Farmers have provided B+LNZ with a range of views about this issue.
  • Many farmers are very concerned about the amount of whole farms being sold for exotic forestry as a result of the carbon price and the effects on rural communities.
  • But there are also a lot of farmers who see financial opportunities for integrating trees within their farms and want to ensure they can continue to receive recognition for their own on-farm planting as part of diversifying their operations.
  • Other farmers are also looking for greater recognition of some of the sequestration happening on their farms, such as pre-1990 native vegetation.
  • This is a complicated area and the solutions will also not be simple. B+LNZ will be looking to find a balance that works for all our farmers. 

Please provide us with your feedback

  • It’s positive that the Government is looking to make changes, however, we need farmer input to ensure we find the right balance across different farmer interests mentioned above.
  • This factsheet (PDF, 1.9MB) provides a high-level explanation of the main areas of consultation.
  • To help us understand better the range of farmer views please, complete this survey by 21 July 2023. 
  • We’re also planning on a couple of webinars to explain the proposals in more detail and get farmer feedback. Look out for details in e-dairies in the next week or so but keep the evening of 20 July free if you’d like to join.

How you can make a submission

  • To make it easy for you to send in a submission, we’re aiming to provide a template. This will be available in early August, so keep an eye out for updates.
  • You can make a submission on the ETS or permanent forest category changes now via the MfE website, and you can just answer the questions relevant to you.
  • The consultation closes on 11 August.

Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, please contact us.