Thinking of upskilling and already in employment on a sheep and beef farm? With Te Pūkenga | Primary ITO you can earn while you learn.

There are a few excellent reasons why you should consider on-job training, progress your career and get in touch with your local Training Advisor:
- Earn while you learn and get qualified.
- For the whole of 2024, fees for nearly all agriculture training through Primary ITO is now up to 50% off. Terms and conditions apply, see for more information.
- Off-job theory classes give you an opportunity to connect with likeminded peers, share learnings, establish valuable networks and gain lifelong friends.
- We want you to succeed! Your Training Adviser will help you set goals every three months with your employer, and it’s your chance to provide feedback on your new skills/knowledge and how you’re progressing.
- We also have literacy and numeracy support available for you.
What are your options?
NZ Apprenticeship | New Zealand Apprenticeship in Agriculture – Breeding Livestock Farming Level 3 and 4 |
Level 3 Sheep, Beef and Deer | New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture – Meat & Fibre Level 3 |
Level 3 Agriculture micro-credentials | Livestock Feed Supply and Demand, Assist with management of livestock health and biosecurity |
Level 3 Machinery micro-credentials | Certificate in the Safe Use of Chainsaws or Tree Felling Techniques Using a Chainsaw |
Level 3 Introduction to Team Leadership | New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Team Leadership) Level 3 |
NZ Apprenticeship | Level 3 New Zealand Apprenticeship in Agriculture – Breeding Livestock Farming Level 4 |
Level 4 Agriculture micro-credential | Farm Environment Planning |
Level 5 Production Management | New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Production Management Level 5 |
Level 5 Agribusiness Management | New Zealand Diploma in Primary Industry Business Management Level 5 |
Get in touch
Primary ITO is a business division of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.