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Displaying 191 - 200 results of 1024
  • … Plan early and communicate …
    Cows in a field
  • Resource book
    … Managing Flystrike and Lice …
  • Page
    … For on-farm biosecurity to be effective, everyone involved in your farming business must be aware of your requirements and why they are important. … Recommended practices Make good biosecurity practices something your staff and visitors are eager to respect, by treating them as indicators of your operation’s quality rather than necessary evils … of biosecurity practices on your farm. Ensure staff responsible for livestock husbandry know how to identify sick and injured livestock. Ensure all staff know what to do in the event of a suspected emergency animal disease. Ensure all …
  • External resource
    … Heifer feeding and nutrition …
  • New scholarship for Southern South Island young farmers …
    image of attendees at a workshop
  • … Local and global meat and livestock sector discussions inform the UN Food Systems Summit …
    UNSS Banner NZ sheep
  • Resource book
    … CC4 Our Plan template: Our farm’s emissions and sinks …
  • Resource book
    … CC1 Our Plan template: Greenhouse gas and climate change values and goals …
  • … At B+LNZ we’re passionate about the sheep and beef industry and committed to growing a sustainable and profitable future for our sector. If you’re looking for an … Group Scheme and offer free influenza vaccinations, and eye tests after you've been with us for two years. Exercise and health We support our people to have a healthy lifestyle with team challenges and indoor sports teams – and a well-stocked … (EAP), provided by Vitae, offering counselling, trauma support and assistance with work or personal issues. Health and safety at work Our proactive health and safety committee has a commitment to implementing initiatives that improve staff …
  • … Protecting our industry from foot and mouth disease …
    sheep feeding