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Displaying 631 - 640 results of 765
  • Study identifies ewe wastage numbers …
    ewe lambs
  • Factsheet
    Artificial lamb rearing - managing abomasal bloat …
  • In a global context the New Zealand beef and lamb sector is unique, we have an export profile like no other (more than 90 per cent of our sheepmeat and beef goes overseas), we are niche producers (we can only feed 30 million people) and our production is based on natural farming systems. … We know that competition in the meat market is strong and new competitors are emerging. This means that as a sector we need to work harder than anyone else in the world markets – we need to know our consumers …
  • Public backs carbon farming limits as report shows soaring sales …
  • B+LNZ demands pause on biodiversity proposals and a review into impact of environmental rules on primary sector …
    trees and pine
  • Mental health support and resources available …
    image of two farmers on-farm
  • Study examines feasibility of retaining lambs from hoggets as replacements …
  • … also resulting in lamb losses.  This project aims to quantify the economic costs due to ewe losses using real-world farm data, helping farmers identify economically viable methods to reduce ewe losses in their flocks.  How will this be …
  • It’s time to know your GHG numbers …
    ipad farmers
  • Page
    … practices Check the health status of stock before purchasing. e.g. the results of TB or Johne’s disease tests and farm of origin history. Only buy livestock from suppliers who can provide information about veterinary treatments and the … water. Newly arrived sheep should be routinely given an appropriate quarantine drench. This would be best given on the farm of origin but in many cases will have to be given on arrival. On release from quarantine pens, monitor new stock in … if necessary before integrating them with other mobs. Quarantine paddocks or pens should be as near as possible to the farm entrance and well away from other stock. As a minimum, a double fenced 3 metre gap should be provided between newly …