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- Page… a Flood, and Health and Safety Post-Flood – are guidelines to help farmers prepare for rain events and deal with both the immediate and long-term consequences. For farmers operating in flood-prone areas, the Preparing for a Flood factsheet gives farmers a checklist on what to do in an extreme rain event as well as outlining measures to help mitigate production losses due to flooding. The Recovering from a Flood factsheet covers four aspects of the business; people, livestock, operational and land; and …
- Page… Operator Requirements: Stockpeople must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace. Vehicles, ATV’s or two wheel motorcycles operators must meet requirements of relevant Safe Work Procedure. Communication Process • If available, cellular or radio communications are to be used to communicate between the front and back of the mob. Equipment Stock warning signs. Means of communication (if available) e.g. radio or cell phone. High visibility …
- Page… Worm species … Meet your enemies! Learn about the important worm species of sheep – effects on the animal, seasonal pattern, diagnosis, treatment and prevention strategies. Inside the animal Sheep worms most often live in the abomasum (4th stomach) and the small intestine. Some worms can exist in …
- … How is the board made up? Farmers elect six directors, one to represent each of the three electorates in the North Island and the three electorates in the South Island. Terms are for three years, and elections are rotated. Two …
- … The Wormwise Handbook and other B+LNZ parasite management tools, and a list of scientific literature for those who really like to delve into the detail. Resources for farmers Wormwise handbook (PDF, 4.3MB) – or request a printed copy Request a Wormwise workshop … advice Worms in refugia : a tool to delay drench resistance (PDF, 347 KB) Drenchwise poster (PDF, 2MB) Podcasts: The Parasite Chronicles Factsheet: Wormwise for dairy calves (PDF, 1.4MB) Factsheet: Wormwise for dairy heifers (PDF, …
- … New Zealand scientists are conducting a ground-breaking research programme to explore the benefits of eating pasture-raised beef and lamb. … This study is led by Meat Industry Association Innovation Ltd (MIA Innovation) and jointly funded by Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd (B+LNZ), the High Value Nutrition National Science Challenge and New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Research Partnership Fund. For all the details on this project visit the website: Timeline and investment This is …
- … Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Farming Excellence Strategy supports the organisation’s vision of ‘Profitable farmers, thriving farming communities, valued by all New Zealanders’. … B+LNZ's recently refreshed Farm Excellence Strategy will be used to inform the design of the organisation’s Farming Excellence tools, resources and programmes. This Strategy, which is based on six …
- Page… to prevent impact on stock and production systems. Consider coordinating your efforts with neighbours to maximise the effectiveness of your own actions. Maintain all fencing to prevent access of wild or feral animals. Download … from pests and diseases (PDF, 298 KB) Nasella Tussock web App AgResearch has created a new app with funding from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment in collaboration with Environment Canterbury, which provides a tool to visualise a range of grubbing strategies. The app deploys a population model, built using data from farms in North Canterbury, that counts the number of nassella …
- Page… Follow this Safe Work Procedure when handling or working in the vicinity of livestock. ‘Livestock’ is defined as either cattle or sheep. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Worker must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by the person in charge of the workplace Children under five must be directly supervised by an adult and are not to enter …
- … Featherston Street, Wellington 6011 Specific enquiries You can request a printed copy of a B+LNZ resource by emailing the Resources team . Make sure to include the name of the resource, and your name and postal address. To contact a specific B+LNZ staff member, use the email address format: …