Discover innovative solutions for parasite management, including targeted drenching, new diagnostic tools, and strategies to combat drench resistance, helping farmers improve livestock productivity.
Transforming parasite management

Livestock parasite management learning groups
Internal parasites and drench resistance are serious threats to livestock production. To help farmers, B+LNZ Research has launched livestock parasite management groups across the country to promote best practices and improve control strategies.

Managing sheep parasites
Drench resistance in sheep parasites is a growing issue in New Zealand, affecting productivity and increasing costs for farmers. The Smartworm® app offers a solution by helping farmers implement targeted selective treatment (TST) to reduce costs.

Genetic markers of drench resistance
Drench resistance is a growing challenge for sheep and beef farmers, complicating parasite management. This project aims to use advanced molecular diagnostics to identify resistance biomarkers, potentially leading to new tests that support better management decisions.

Diagnostic tools for parasite management
To improve parasite management decision-making, new diagnostic tests are being developed to provide faster, more detailed information allowing farmers to make quicker, more informed choices.

PRISYM model trial
We are exploring the use of a farm systems optimisation model to improve parasite management in sheep and cattle while reducing drench resistance. If successful, this model could provide farmers with a strategic tool to evaluate different management strategies.

Ectoparasites in sheep and beef cattle
This project aims to collate the relevant knowledge on ectoparasites as it relates to the New Zealand sheep and beef cattle sector and use this information to determine the current knowledge gaps and identify any emerging risks.