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Displaying 841 - 850 results of 1029
  • … your farm’s resistance status, with help from a competent advisor. Worm management should focus on the farm system and nutrition first – drench should not be the main means of managing worm challenge. … The B+LNZ Wormwise programme provides farmers with the latest knowledge and techniques to manage worms effectively and sustainably and minimise drench resistance issues. It also aims to lift … was formed in 2005 and is solely funded by B+LNZ. We work in partnership with DairyNZ, DINZ, MPI, Animal and Plant Health NZ and the New Zealand Veterinary Association.   Follow Wormwise on Facebook  for regular, seasonal worm management …
  • … the Government’s approach to New Zealand’s second emissions budget (ERP2) covering emissions reductions between 2026 and 2030.  Key points in our submission: Due to uncontrolled conversion of whole farms into carbon forestry, we have … necessary.  We continue to be concerned about the reliance on carbon forestry for removals of long-term GHG emissions and the consequences that has on land use and food production – and the sustainability of our sector. We broadly support the discussions document’s proposed …
  • An important message from Andrew Morrison, Chairman of Beef + Lamb New Zealand …
    Image of Andrew Morrison, Chairman
  • Agriculture sector seeks further detail on Freshwater Farm Plans …
  • Page
    … make up an increasing proportion of the worm population on the farm. Over time, they become dominant in the population and eventually, drenches fail to work.  Because we still want our drenches to be effective for the stock that need them … drench intervals. A longer period between drenches allows more time for susceptible worms to produce offspring and dilute out the offspring of resistant worms. Monitoring is important to do this safely. Don’t drench animals directly … or ‘clean’ grazing. See this video on new grass management for tips.  Draft out light 2ths or ewes, don’t drench them and run them together with lambs.  Avoid running lambs or R1 cattle as the sole stock class in a grazing area.  … Refugia …
  • Decisions on low-slope map encouraging but more work needed …
    Low slope maps
  • Factsheet
    Hill country sheep infographic report …
  • Key improvements welcomed in amended winter grazing regulations …
    Winter grazing
  • Growing network of women in NZ’s red meat sector …
    women in NZ’s red meat sector
  • Podcast
    BreakFeed: Talking Bull 1 – Why you should (or shouldn’t) farm bulls …