Find out how New Zealand’s sheep and beef farms are expected to perform this year – and how they’ve performed in the past.
Farm management performance indicators are summarised by farm, hectare, stock unit, region, and farm class. They include balance sheet analysis.
For comparison purposes, the spreadsheets include 10 years of sheep and beef farm data including the latest forecast.
For quintile analysis, go to Benchmark your farm. To benchmark the profitability of your own farm, try BLNZ’s Profitability Calculator
Western North Island: Taranaki, Manawatu

Western North Island - Class 3 hard hill country

Western North Island - Class 4 hill country

Western North Island - Class 5 finishing

Western North Island - Class 9 all classes
Northern-Central South Island: Marlborough, Nelson, Canterbury

Class 1 South Island high country - all regions

Northern-Central South Island - Class 2 hill country

Northern-Central South Island - Class 6 finishing breeding

Northern-Central South Island - Class 8 mixed finishing

Northern-Central South Island - Class 9 all classes
Southern South Island: Otago, Southland

Class 1 South Island high country - all regions

Southern South Island - Class 6 finishing breeding

NZ South Island - Class 7 finishing

Southern South Island - Class 9 all classes
New Zealand: grouped by farm class

NZ - Class 1 high country

NZ South Island - Class 2 hill country

NZ North Island - Class 3 hard hill country

NZ North Island - Class 4 hill country

NZ North Island - Class 5 finishing

NZ South Island - Class 6 finishing breeding

NZ South Island - Class 7 finishing

NZ South Island - Class 8 mixed finishing

NZ - Class 9 all classes
Background to the survey
The Beef + Lamb New Zealand sheep and beef farm survey began in 1950 and is central to our activities. It provides a sound base for the Economic Service's forecasts of meat and wool production and trends in the sector, by linking physical production together with financial returns and the capital structure of farms. After producing the sheep & beef mid-season update in February, in September each year we publish our estimate of the actual farm situation for the new season ahead.
How this data is used
The trends shown by farm survey data are published in several key reports, including the stock number survey, lamb crop, and movements in sheep and beef farm input prices (see Economic reports). For comparison purposes, the spreadsheets include 10 years of sheep and beef farm data including the latest forecast.