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    … have clear roles on farm that are documented. … Below are some resources to help with outlining roles on farm. Describe and Advertise a job  (PDF, 915KB) Individual Employment Agreements   (PDF, 814KB) Remuneration  (PDF, 873KB) Sheep, beef, …
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    … B+LNZ has a number of resources that relate to animal welfare, and the key ones are listed here. For more information, search on the B+LNZ Knowledge Hub. … Resources Learning modules … welfare on farms learning module   BCS Sheep   Stock water   Factsheets B+LNZ's commitment to the welfare of sheep and beef cattle Animal welfare obligations for painful-husbandry procedures in cattle Animal welfare obligations for …
  • … Explore our past research on pasture management, catch crops, grazeable shrubs, and soil protection, and discover practical solutions for building environmental resilience on your farm. … Past environmental resilience …
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    … best opportunity that we have at the moment – find out how to get the rams that will help by reading the article below, and talk to your breeder. The cost of a bad outbreak can be high – estimated as close to $100 million dollars cost for … no one wants their sheep to be affected by disease.  Fortunately, there are things you can do, both in the short term and in the long term, and the B+LNZ resources linked below contain the latest information we have, in several formats to suit your preference. …
  • … B+LNZ is funded and directed by farmers via commodity levies paid on all sheep, beef and dairy cattle processed in New Zealand. … We invest your levies in programmes designed to support a confident sector with improved farm productivity, profitability and performance. Your levy goes on targeted programmes that deliver real results – on the farm, in the market, and at the …
  • … We’re helping facilitate the development of rural leaders within the broader food and fibre sector, both through our internal initiatives and collaborative efforts with external partners. A key focus is empowering hands-on farmers to acquire technical …
  • … B+LNZ runs its own high-profile awards that celebrate the people, innovation, technologies and management systems that make New Zealand’s grass-based red meat industry world-leading. We are also involved in other important and prestigious awards that celebrate the best of our sector.  … Awards …
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    … Some soil – or sediment – in a stream is natural. But, if sediment levels get too high, it can disrupt ecosystems and kill freshwater species. It’s also a major source of phosphorus, because phosphate sticks to soil particles. … Where … a natural process, but – by removing most of New Zealand’s original forest cover – we have exposed soil to the elements and accelerated this natural process.  Pasture produces two-to-five times more sediment than an equivalent area of forest. Sheep and beef farming can be a reasonably high contributor of sediment to New Zealand waterways through erosion of steep …
  • … At you can find a range of facts showing how New Zealand beef and lamb stacks up in terms of being: better for animals better for you better for the planet better for communities. We encourage you to check it out and help us bring some balance to conversations about food production.  … We’ve worked with key industry partners to develop a website containing proven facts about New Zealand’s farming methods and how our beef and lamb stacks up on key criteria. … There’s growing public concern about how food is produced, and the …
  • … Good environmental and animal welfare outcomes require good practice. Farmers are already doing some great work in both the animal welfare and the environmental space, but there is always more to be done. Managing winter grazing activities to minimise impact on animal welfare and your waterways is easy and effective when you have a plan in place and simple management tweaks thought out in …