B+LNZ's National Webinar Series is a platform to provide updates on the work we’re doing to achieve our vision of profitable farmers, thriving farming communities, valued by all New Zealanders.

B+LNZ has established a new National Webinar series covering topics of national interest to farmers such as Essential Freshwater Policy, the Emission’s Trading Scheme and an update on Taste Pure Nature, which have proven very popular and will continue in the long-term.
We want to hear from you
Are there any specific topics you would like to hear about as part of our National Webinar Series? Let us know via the button below with your suggested topics and keep an eye on our Events Calendar for the next update as part of this series.
How to join and participate in our webinars
Please download our Livestream Help and Guidelines document below to help you. This includes information on how to use the chat functionality and tips and tricks if you are having connection issues.
If for some reason you are unable to join on the day, our webinars will be recorded and available to view at a later date via this webpage.
Catch up on our previous webinars
You can watch previous webinars below that come with some useful resources, speakers bios and links to further information.