The health and safety of everyone on your farm is important – explore these safe work procedures.
Health and Safety

Farm Horses
Follow this Safe Work Procedure when using horses for farm work.

Farm vehicles
When using any farm vehicles (not including tractors, motorised plant, side x sides, quad bikes or motorbikes), follow this Safe Work Procedure. Refer to the operator’s manual, if necessary, prior to operating the vehicle.

Hazardous substances
This Safe Work Procedure (SWP) is to be used when handling hazardous substances on the farm. Examples of these include fuels, pesticides, herbicides, and gases.

Follow this Safe Work Procedure when handling or working in the vicinity of livestock. ‘Livestock’ is defined as either cattle or sheep.

Lone worker
Follow this Safe Work Procedure when working by yourself in a remote location. A remote location is defined as more than 30 minutes’ walk from a means of communication and/or assistance.

Manual handling
Follow this Safe Work Procedure when doing potentially hazardous tasks by hand. A manual handling task may be hazardous if it requires significant force, repetitive effort, a sustained/awkward posture or continuous vibration.

Motorbikes, quad bikes, side X sides
Follow this Safe Work Procedure when operating Motorbikes, Quad Bikes and Side X Sides. All operators must follow this procedure and be familiar with the operator’s manual prior to operating the machine.

Plant and machinery
Follow this Safe Work Procedure when operating plant and machinery on the farm.

Follow this Safe Work Procedure when refueling any item of powered equipment.

Stock movement and public roads
This Safe Work Procedure (SWP) is to be used when moving stock on a public road.

Tractor operation
Follow this Safe Work Procedure when operating tractors. All operators must refer to the operator’s manual prior to operating the tractor.

Two wheeled motorbikes
Follow this Safe Work Procedure when operating two-wheeled farm motorbikes. It is important that all operators follow this procedure and are familiar with the operator’s manual prior to operating the motorbike.

Working at heights
Follow this Safe Work Procedure when working at heights. “Working at heights” is defined as any height from which a fall could occur.

Follow this Safe Work Procedure when working in the farm workshop. All workers must follow this procedure and be familiar with the safe use of the equipment in question.

Working with chainsaws
Follow this Safe Work Procedure when working with Chainsaws. It is important that all workers are competent in the use of the type of chainsaw they are using and are familiar with the operator’s manual prior to operating the chainsaw.

Burn offs
Follow this Safe Work Procedure when conducting burn offs.