Putting everything in place for your lambs to survive and thrive, and then achieving that potential is a key for successful sheep farming.

In these resources you’ll find tips, tricks, advice, other farmers’ experience and research findings that might make a difference for you.
B+LNZ provide ‘Growing Great Lambs’ workshops, keep an eye out for one in your area or let your local B+LNZ Extension Manager know you’d like to attend one.
Please contact B+LNZ's resources team at resources@beeflambnz.com to request printed copies of resources.
- Podcast: Peter Young: More profit from sheep
- Resource Book: A guide to feed planning for sheep farmers (PDF, 2,7MB)
- Resource Book: Growing great lambs (PDF, 2,7MB)
- Feed demand tool: www.feedsmart.co.nz
- Sward stick: Email resources@beeflambnz.com to order a free Sward stick.
- Simple feed budget: A basic feed planning programme (only works on PCs, sorry). Email resources@beeflambnz.com to order a copy on a Flashdrive.
- Podcast: Use of ewe pregnancy diagnosis (scanning) information, with Professor Paul Kenyon, Massey University
- Podcast: Early to late pregnancy nutritional management of ewes
- Podcast: Wormwise tips for ewes pre-lambs and lambs at tailing
- Video: Early to late pregnancy nutritional management with Professor Paul Kenyon, Massey University
- Video: Ewe body condition scoring: an introduction
- Video: Monitoring information for pre-lamb decision-making
- Video: RMPP: Using Scanning and BCS to Support Lamb Growth
- Resource Book: Ewe body condition scoring (PDF,1, 607KB)
- Factsheet: Ewe body condition scoring factsheet (PDF, 845KB)
- Factsheet: Condition scoring flushing (PDF, 747KB)
- Factsheet: Feedsmart feed table pregnant ewes (PDF, 60KB)
- Factsheet: Tips for managing ewes triplets (PDF, 845KB)
- Factsheet: Abortion ewes (PDF, 289KB)
- Factsheet: Metabolic diseases ewes (PDF, 50KB)
- Online learning module: Body condition scoring - sheep
- Online learning module: Principles of feeding: From mating to lambing
- Video: Optimising lamb growth before weaning
- Video: Triplet management
- Video: Orphan lamb rearing
- Video: Worms in ewes at lambing time
- Factsheet: Reviving newborn lambs (PDF, 174 KB)
- Factsheet: Artificial lamb rearing - managing abomasal bloat (PDF, 557 KB)
- Resource Book: Lamb rearing guide
- Online Learning Module: Principles of feeding: From lambing to weaning
- Podcast: David Stevens: The Lamb Weaning Decision
- Podcast: More and better lambs, just by checking ewes’ udders, with Anne Ridler, Massey University
- Video: Early weaning
- Video: Selling vs finishing lambs
- Video: Examining ewes udders and identify possible problems
- Video: Taranaki farming for proftit webinar: why check ewe udders
- Video: Forage use high performance sheep system
- Video: Maximising lamb growth rates on hill country pastures
- Video: Finishing lambs at Pemberley Farm
- Video: RMPP: Lamb Growth Post Weaning
- Factsheet: Early weaning (PDF, 835 KB)
- Factsheet: Examining ewes udders (PDF, 495 KB)
- Factsheet: Deciding when to wean your lambs (PDF, 454 KB)
- Online learning module: Principles of feeding: From weaning to mating
- B+LNZ feed planning
- B+LNZ Wormwise programme – all our internal parasite management information in one place
- Keep weaning date flexible
- Aiding lamb survival