To help farmers document their winter management practices, B+LNZ has rolled out the Forage Cropping module of the B+LNZ Farm Plan. A key outcome of this, is the documenting of actions to protect critical source areas and minimise environmental impacts. It will also help provide proof to the Government that farmers do not need further regulations to protect their natural resources and livestock.

To help farmers document their winter management practices, B+LNZ has fast tracked the roll out of the Forage Cropping chapter of their Farm Plan. A key outcome of this, is the documenting of actions to protect critical source areas and minimise environmental impacts. It will also help provide proof to the Government that farmers do not need further regulations to protect their natural resources and livestock.
Participate in a Winter Grazing Workshop
Winter forage crop grazing is a specific type of forage cropping and often has a higher risk of negative impacts on the environment. In this workshop you’ll work through the ‘Forage Cropping’ module of B+LNZ’s Farm Plan: Environment Module. It covers planning and management to avoid and mitigate the negative effects of winter forage crop grazing and strategies and techniques to look after animals, soils and water.
This workshop is intended to help farmers meet our industry’s commitments around winter grazing.
In this workshop you will learn how to:
- Outline how forage cropping fits into your farming system
- Describe the crops used and where these are established on-farm
- Carry out a risk assessment
- Document or record your winter grazing action plan
- Outline any winter grazing monitoring that needs to be done
Keep a close eye on events in your area.
f there is nothing listed yet, get in contact with your local Extension Manager to express your interest via
Get started on your own plan now
You can start your plan today with the below templates.
- Forage cropping management (PDF, 2.3MB): Background information and example templates.
Templates for managing your forage cropping and winter grazing.
- All Forage cropping templates (PDF, 90KB)
Templates for managing your forage cropping and winter grazing. If you’d rather save your templates on your computer than print them off, these templates are editable PDFs.
- FC1 Our Plan template: Why am I forage cropping? (PDF, 65KB)
- FC2 Our Plan template: Forage crop programme (PDF, 31KB)
- FC3 Our Plan template: Winter forage crop grazing – Farm details (PDF, 32KB)
- FC4 Our Plan template: Winter forage crop grazing – Animal details (PDF, 34KB)
- FC5 Our Plan template: Risk assessment for forage cropping (PDF, 40KB)
- FC6 Our Plan template: Winter grazing paddock (PDF, 33KB)
- FC7 Our Plan template: Adverse weather event planning (PDF, 29KB)
- FC8 Our Plan template: Forage cropping monitoring and review (PDF, 39KB)
- FC9 Our Plan template: Forage cropping checklist (PDF, 58KB)
- FC10 Our Plan template: Catchment values (PDF, 30KB)
- FC6 Winter grazing paddock plan template (PDF, 33KB): Download and print off spare copies, as you need one for each paddock, each year.
Other resources that can help you complete the templates: